The Magna Carta is universally known and recognized as the first document in the history of Western and European civilization where the rights of individuals against the force of government and the state were recognized. During the age of monarchy and empires, before the age of representative democracy, the Magna Carta was invoked as the bedrock and foundational document upon which future generations steadily relied for inspiration, strength, and justification to reclaim, restore, and protect individual rights across the west and beyond. It laid the framework for constitutional law and individual rights worldwide, later influencing such thinkers as Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Jefferson, and other Framers of the United States and it's Constitution.
Today, in the 21st century, these concepts have once again come under threat and attack, not from monarchs or foreign adversaries, but from within. Some sociologists say the brutal nature of 20th century history and the demolition of the Pre-World War II "world order" flung to the forefront of global thought various ideologies that viewed individual rights and constitutional thought as a threat. We now find ourselves in the West having, in many ways, lost our cultural and historical identity as free men, forsaking our birthright for totalitarian, socialist, and dystopian worldviews that have sought to dismantle Western culture and values. Coupled with the failure of higher education, the rise of global communications, and the partial collapse of Western thought, this cultural malaise has turned us not towards each other but in upon ourselves such that so many have forgotten why individual rights are worth fighting for.
Magna Carta Group has been founded to connect, network, build, sustain, and promote the principles of individual, Western, and constitutional thought. We believe the future is bright and that the 21st century will be the age where individual rights and Western thought will once again be restored to the people where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will once again be words heard and reclaimed not only in the United States, but across the West. We seek to offer a variety of consulting services in several sectors aimed at promoting, protecting, and defending these principles and those who stand for them. We will use all tools at our disposal to influence public policy, business and industry, as well as non-profit advocacy to promote these beliefs, which are under assault and threat across many Western countries. Where there is no freedom of speech or expression, where there is no right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances, where the government and state can silence and jail its critics, there is no freedom or democracy. We pledge to stand by those who wish to work with us in restoring the principles and ideas of Western culture and tradition.